Sunday, 24 November 2013

Q&A/ an interview with me - week 2

Q&A/ an interview with me

This weeks theme for the #BritishBloggerSelection is Q&A's so without further ado here's my post!

Question One: Why do you like blogging?
I enjoy writing and sharing things in posts with anyone who wants to read my blog!
Question Two: How did you come up with your blog name?
This for me was the hardest part of starting my blog! I wanted a blog where I shared real life experiences and shared things that I could talk about so I thought about what could show that, so I finally came up with Being Heather.
Question Three: Where from the UK do you come from?
I come from a little village in the south of Wales.
Question Four: Favourite colour?
It varies but most of the time it's either a teal colour or a burgundy red.
Question Five: Do you like Lana Del Ray?
Yes I do, she isn't my favourite singer or band but I really enjoy listening to her music.
Question Six: Hidden Talents That You Have?
I'm trained as a classical singer so I can sing but it's not really hidden but apart from that the only thing cool I can do is the splits!
Question Seven: Celebrity Crush?
Liam Hemsworth.. mmmm                              ------------->
Question Eight: Favourite Blog Of All Time?
Zoella, I think her posts are so lovely and anyone can relate to them so I really enjoy reading her blog.
Question Nine: What made you want to join #BritishBloggerSelection?
As I'm new to blogging, I wanted to join a community where I could get to know new people and enjoy doing what I love to do! So far I'm loving it and can't wait to continue with it!
I hope you've enjoyed this weeks post and if you did make sure to leave a comment saying so! Make sure to follow for more posts soon!
Love you all

Monday, 18 November 2013

The sunshine award

The sunshine award

I was recently nominated by Jo ( for the sunshine award. This is an award that goes to bloggers who are 'Positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere'. I was honoured because I've only recently started blogging so to know that people already love my blog posts, makes me feel amazing so thankyou!

The Rules
I will share 11 facts about myself, then I will answer 11 questions that were set by the blogger that nominated me. I will then think of 11 more questions and nominate 11 bloggers to answer them and I will inform them that I have nominated them. So here we go!

11 facts about me
1. I live in the south-east of Wales in a little village
2. I have 1 sister and 3 brothers
3. I have 2 dogs called Monty and Butch
4. I love to perform and be on stage
5. Chocolate is my favourite thing in the world
6. I know every word to 'baby got back'...
7. My favourite colours are pastel pink and purple
8. My favourite make-up brand in Benefit
9. I love to do my hair, I find it oddly therapeutic, don't ask why
10. I used to play saxophone and clarinet but I stopped 2 years ago and wish I hadn't :(
11. I live for Drama, I even love studying it in school, I'm weird I know.
The 11 questions from Jo

1.What is your favourite animal?- A dolphin, I've always wanted to swim with them.
2. What is your favourite bath/shower product?- All of the lush comforters, they're heavenly!
3. What is your favourite movie?- The Lion King, always has been, always will be!
4. What is your 'go to' item of clothing?- Leggings, you can style them up or keep them casual and are perfect for all times of year.
5. What was your bargain of the year?- I bought a dress the other day which I was expecting to be £10 and it ended up being £4.99, bargain, am I right! :)
6. What is your favourite item for the winter?- Chunky knit jumpers, especially in the UK where it's freezing!
7. Can you say the alphabet backwards?- I actually can!
8. Where in the world do you live?- I live in south-east Wales.
9. What is your favourite word?- 'myriad' why? I don't have ac clue..
10. Who was your inspiration to start a blog?- Probably zoella! I always love reading her posts and they brighten up my day!
11. What phone case do you have on your phone at the moment?- A pastel coloured Aztec one.

My nominees;
(sorry I can't do any more, I'm super new to blogging so I don't actually know that many blogs yet, sorry again)
My 11 questions;
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your favourite colour?
3. Favourite food?
4. What is your best achievement?
5. What is your favourite song at the moment?
6. Who inspires you to blog?
7. What is your favourite brand of make-up? 
8. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
9. How old are you?
10. What is your favourite food?
11. What is your bargain of the month?
I hope you all enjoyed todays post! Make sure to follow and comment for more posts and Thanks again to Jo for tagging me!
Love you all


Sunday, 3 November 2013

British Blogger Selection

British Blogger Selection

Hey guys!
I just thought I'd let you know that I'm going to be taking part in the British Blogger selection. It's super exciting and it's going to be so much fun, it also isn't too late for you to join!

Every week you'll be given a different theme i.e Christmas or beauty or fashion, it could be anything and you just have to write a blog post about it! It'll be a great way to get more people coming to your blog and also it'll be great way of meeting other British bloggers.

Your blog can be about anything, cooking, fashion, beauty the only rule is you must be British!

If you're interested email Ellie on or go to her blog and if you want, tell her Heather sent you!

I look forward to getting to know lots of amazing bloggers

Love you all

Friday, 1 November 2013

Fall fashion 2013

Fall Fashion 2013

Fall is my favourite time of year, all the pretty colours of the leaves, Halloween and then of course Christmas. One of the things I love most is fall fashion and so I thought there would be nothing better to do than show you some of my fashion staples for this year. Enjoy!

1. Tartan- I love tartan, I think it's an easy way to add a little something to an outfit. You don't have to go quite as full out as the picture above but adding a scarf or a jacket can make a great outfit even better!

2. Leather- I love leather at the moment, whether it be a jacket, a leather-look skirt or top, I think it just makes an outfit look sophisticated and is the perfect way to dress up a casual outfit for the evening or even work.

3. Maroon and berry shades- I think these are perfect colours for autumn winter/ fall. Dresses, skirts, tops, jumpers, anything in this colour is so cute and perfect for this time of the year. You don't have to have clothes these shades, nail polishes are gorgeous and finish an outfit perfectly and also adding these warm autumnal shades to your make-up bag can make you look flawless in the winter months.

4. Layering- I love jumpers and warm cosy cardigans because I can't stand being cold. This is why layering is the best in the winter months, it's fashionable and still cosy at the the same time. I like layering dresses, tights, socks, boots and jumpers or cosy cardigans. I think these kind of outfits look so cute and girly, add a jacket and a snood and you're ready to go!

5. Ankle boots- I love boots, I think they're so comfortable but also warm and fashionable too. I think paired with some frilly socks and a dress or skirt they can make an outfit look super feminine and they're practical when it starts to snow and rain so your feet don't get cold and wet!

So these are my autumn winter/ fall staples. I hope these have given you some inspirations for some cute outfits this fall! Be sure to send me any pictures or comment your favourite bits from this post. Make sure you follow for more posts!
Love you all